Angie's Firehouse Tavern

Angie's Firehouse Tavern
703 Watervliet Ave. Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, OH 45420
United States

Kitchen Hours : M-Th 11:00a - 10:00p F-Sat 11:00a - 11:00p Sun : 11:00a - 9:00p ​

By being our guest here at Angie's, you are helping to preserve a little part of Dayton history. Angi's, as it was originally called, was pronounces with a hard 'g' sound and was the last name of the original owners. The locals were unable to pronounce it and simply referred to it as Angie's, the name we felt compelled to stick with. Around 1938, the Angis opened their doors serving primarily hungarian-style food with the reputation for having the best cabbage rolls in town. We don't claim to have the original recipe (wink, wink), but many of our regulars insist that we're spot on and that the Angis family would be proud. The current owner is a retired Dayton fire captain who often dreamed of a family-owned business. The building that you're sitting in now was vacant and only inches from the wrecking ball when the captain and his daughter somehow saw a diamond in the rough... very rough.
Thanks to some retirement savings, a small bank loan, and a lot of hard work from family and friends, new life was breathed back into the old girl and she once again stands proud.
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